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MY HEALTH part 4
Written on Jan. 16, 2025
Quick summary on doctor visits this week so far…
Tuesday was a visit with my PCP. She says this is a rheumatology thing and I probably need to be on methotrexate.
Wednesday morning was my ENT visit. He said the hearing loss has come back to an acceptable range for having proper conversations. There’s nothing he can do about the loud constant ringing and sensitivity to sound at this point. But said to continue on this 22 day high dose steroid that I’m on. I'm on the last third of now. He wants to revisit in six months, but a lot could depend on rheumatology.
Wednesday afternoon was my follow up with hand surgeon. He says everything‘s gonna have a lot to do with the rheumatology visit as well. He's marking it down as having tenosynovitis at this point and says to keep doing ice and to wear braces 24/7.
Thursday (today): rheumatology in Baton Rouge at 1 PM. This is the big one. Hopefully he’s got ideas and things to test for. I’ll update later today after that visit.
Updates on me physically and filling orders:
I’m not having much luck keeping the pain down from doing basic things which is very disheartening. Trying to digitally create an idea yesterday proved to be a bad one due to the long lasting pain it caused in my wrist and arm. I do have a lot of orders to get out. I really appreciate you guys purchasing art from me. Please remember some pieces are ready to ship and some aren’t so it helps a great deal to check in with me first about availability. I’m gonna attempt to stick a few boards tomorrow (friday) and see what happens. At this point it seems like it would be pretty excruciating, but I need to try to get these few older orders out. Everything will go out in the order that I received them and I’ll send an update on that. ...below is me typing stuff into my phone in the middle of the night about more fun stuff...

Written 2:35am Jan 16
…Not a tingling sensation, a freezing cold ice sensation, in one localized spot on my head above right ear. Waking up because of that sensation. Seconds before that my mind had made a dream of it. I woke up from that dream because of that feeling. In the dream I was icing my head and I couldn’t get the buffer towel in the right spot. That feeling of having ice directly on your skin is what woke me up. So I awoke, and it was real! There was no ice in bed with me of course, but the feeling of having ice directly on my skin in this one localized spot (3” oval roughly) was real after I woke up! It faded away over the next five minutes after sitting up, but was extremely strong at first. Again, not tingling sensation, but the feeling of ice directly on skin. It was obviously a tingle, I know that, but just to get the point across it felt extremely ice cold.
I think this is another example of the over reacting sore pain I’m getting in muscles from any given minor muscle use. Another example would be just sort of leaning over on my right side to get my phone off my bed table to send a quick message. While leaning on that side for about 10-15 some crazy weird random spot on my arm will start hurt from it. So I adjust right away when that starts but then that pain will last 20 minutes sometimes. Where in most people you would usually feel that pain, adjust your position, and it would start to fade away right away. Is it just the minor things that happen to us all everyday. If something starts to minimally hurt you change your position or stop doing what ever it is you're doing and that pain goes away. I'm talking basic natural instinct, cause and effect type stuff here. Just normal reactions in your body. Mine suddenly seem to not be doing that. Those pains slowly get a little worse after I move out of that position and then stick around for 5 to 20 minutes after. Another example is the hour long exploding cheekbone pains that I still get after eating chewier foods like pizza or a sandwich.
Ibuprofen has no effect on this stuff. I took my scheduled dose a half an hour ago when not much was happening to me. 30 minutes later there’s a lot of pain suddenly starting up. But I take that on a schedule specifically as the doctor recommended. The random (in all due respect) voodoo pains still persist throughout each day.
Updates on rheumatology appointment to be posted here later. Thank you guys again for everything. All your support and love and generosity will help us get through this.
Rheumatology visit summary:
Since all prior tests have come back negative, he’s clueless. He’s starting me on methotrexate. Ordered labs (AVISE CTD), and there’s nerve conduction test scheduled for Jan 28. There’s also an appointment scheduled for nuclear medicine on Jan 30 and that looks like it’ll be the full body joint scan. And he wants me to see a neurologist as soon as possible but I could only get an appointment in July. It’s been a pretty serious pain day getting to Baton Rouge and back for this appointment. Daily life, which doesn't include much at the moment is extremely hard. I have plans to try to start making a few skateboards tomorrow to get a few of the first orders out, I know it's going to be extremely hard but I'm gonna try power though it. The nerve and random deep pains suck but every tiny little thing I do has an immense reaction in my muscles as if I have been doing whatever it is for hours on end. That’s it. Thanks for listening to this again guys and thanks for all that you all have done for me.

Written Jan 23, 2025
Current Summary: Obvious neuromuscular disorder symptoms occurring with daily with ups and downs. Muscles over reacting to minor tasks. The following findings seem very fitting in my situation.
Hyperalgesia is occurring making things hurt more than they should and more than they used to.
Polymyositis seems like a 100% given
This seems like a good possibility
The persistent 24/7 ear ringing, sensitivity to sound, and blockage/fullness points to Ménière’s disease.
And with that one zombie finger I’ve got that turns white and my extremities staying cold constantly points to Rhaynaud’s. (My feet are completely white right now)
Also I’ve been on a low dose of trazodone for a couple years for sleep and this weird muscle stuff has been happening very slowly on and off for a couple years. And finding this thread here shows that that could be playing a big role:
Current plan is to get off trazodone asap but safely. I’m only taking 12.5mg (1/4 of a pill) So I’m ready to be done with that. Pharmacy is still dragging their feet on contacting me about getting the methotrexate. Which is fine. One controlled experiment at a time is probably best.
Full body bone/joint scan and nerve conduction tests scheduled for Jan 28 & 30, 2025